Solaris Patching
Patching procedure usually should be undertaken under single mode (1)
Step by step:
Patches that require an immediate reboot will be skipped, and put into a file /var/sadm/spool/disallowed_patch_list.
When you're ready to apply them, kick everybody off the system, shut down as much as you can, and do
then reboot or go back to init 1 and do the full list from there..
Thanks for playing :)
Step by step:
smpatch analyze: print out the patches that should be applied
smpatch download -d /destination : download them on that directory
smpatch update -d /destination: applies them from that destination
smpatch add -x list=/filelist-with-updates.txt : add some more patches
Patches that require an immediate reboot will be skipped, and put into a file /var/sadm/spool/disallowed_patch_list.
When you're ready to apply them, kick everybody off the system, shut down as much as you can, and do
smpatch add -x idlist=/var/sadm/spool/disallowed_patch_list
then reboot or go back to init 1 and do the full list from there..
Thanks for playing :)