Backtrack 5 and ASUS TFT101

Since the tablet got rooted there is all kinds of beautiful things we can do with it :) One of those being BackTrack 5. Very easy to install (thanks to secmaniac)


Download BT5 for ARM on your PC from here

Unzip the 7z file and copy its contents in your memory card

On the tablet download and install ASTRO file manager (it has the unzip function you will need later)

While you're at it download and install PocketCloud (you will need it to VNC into the BT5 box later)

If you dont have one already get a Terminal emulator as well (yes you need that too)

Go to the ASTRO file manager and find the directory you have bt5 on the memory card (/Removable/MicroSD/bt5).

Copy it to your Internal memory under /sdcard/ (we need to unzip the image and the file is more than the 4GB your FAT32 memory card can support)

Go into the bt5 directory you just copied over and unzip the bt5.img.gz (Extract To This Directory) file (it will take a while go make yourself a cup of tea or something.. [even if it does not show the progress it is still unzipping.. so wait until the file reaches 5GB])

Close ASTRO file manager and open up you Terminal Emulator and run:
cd /sdcard/bt5
cp busybox ../
( If you are using the Terminal Emulator Vol-UP+t is tab completion in case you are wondering..)
sh bootbt 
Now your should have a # on the bt5 system its time to change your vnc password.
Go ahead and  start the VNC session now (you can end it with stopvnc)
Now you can VNC from your box  or from the tablet itself to port 5901 with the password you set and play :)

NOTE: DO NOT run apt-get update/upgrade/dist-upgrade packages are not working 100% yet and you will loose stuff (stuff like gnome-terminal and firefox!)

Thanks for playing :)

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