Quake3 Arena Fedora 16
Yes its that time of the year that I get bored and all I want to do is play some quake3 :)
So yeah... quick post and back to gaming :)
Go Yuriko!!
So yeah... quick post and back to gaming :)
- Download both packages from:
http://ioquake3.org/ - chmod +x both files
- run them
- ln -s /whereever_u_keep_ur_pak0.pk3_file/pak0.pk3 /usr/local/games/ioquake3/baseq3/
- and run ioquake3
- hit ~ and enter
- /r_mode -1
- /r_customwidth 1680
- /r_customheight 1050
- /vid_restart
- and when you get in the game...
- /cg_fov 120
Go Yuriko!!