Android JellyBean and Asus TF101

This is not really a security post, rather a collection of links/resources I found useful whilst upgrading to Android 4.2.2 today. Since Asus has given up on the old TF101... and I wanted to check out JellyBean... I was forced to take this route.

DISCLAIMER: I am not crazy enough to save important data on my tablet so I do not need to back it up.. read the posts in the links if you want to save data.

Step 1:

Get the ROMs from here
xda-developers are awesome and if you are not registered I would recommend doing so (if you are into all that stuff anyway)

As the post says you need the Team EOS nightly build and the GAPPS package. Put them on an microSD card and you are ready.

Step 2:

Follow  Frederuco's Guide to Root and ROM the TF101 and eventually boot into the TWRP. Use the images from the microSD and voila!

All in all  JellyBean is awesome, some of the fav apps are:

  • Fing
  • Sophos Security Suite
  • Wifi Analyser


PS: This is a good read as well.

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